Hello, I'm Brian

I'm a front-end developer and fitness enthusiast from North Carolina

Who am I?

Im Brian and I'm a front end software engineer. I love building things with code and I'm always looking for new ways to learn and grow.

Here I write about my fitness journey as well as other things I'm interested in. I like to run, lift weights, read, and watch movies. Theres a little of something for everyone here. Welcome to my corner of the internet.

I'm a quite a nerd so I love customizing my little blog, this is the third iteration of my website. Build using Astro and solidJS and plain CSS. By day I'm working as a front end developer working almost exclusively with Angular. I like to branch out and try new things. I love all things web development, I don't post much on the topic because I feel I still have a lot to learn. I post a lot about my fitness journey and hopefully some of you will find my advice/failures useful.