Building a home gym in my small basement - Part 1

Tue Mar 12 2024

How I built out a home gym in my basement that can support my goals


My Goals For 2024

Thu Dec 07 2023

My goals in 2024 for my fitness journey and some new things I want to learn


A Retrospective On My First Half Marathon

Thu Nov 30 2023

What I learned through training for and running my first half marathon


Half Marathon Prep Prep Part Two

Wed Oct 11 2023

Three weeks out from my half marathon and I'm feeling good


Half Marathon Prep Part One

Tue Oct 10 2023

Currently, I'm training to run my first ever half marathon and I want to share my journey and motivation I've found along the way.


Finally Feeling the Groove of Running

Wed Aug 02 2023

I’m starting to enjoy running and it feels weird…


My Experience as a New Runner

Wed Jul 12 2023

Jumping into running seriously for the first time - things I've learned and what I'm doing differently to stay consistent


How I got my First Job out of College With no Experience

Tue Oct 25 2022

How I got my first job out of school while failing to gain other professional experience through internships
